Function to compute weighted average of Census information using imputed populations as weights
weighted_avg_census_sa1(mapping_df, abs_df)
data frame detailing how much Census divisions intersect with each electoral division at the time of the election.
data frame holding Census information from Census year
data frame with imputed Census data for electoral boundaries at the time of the Census
if (FALSE) {
# Each 2013 electorate boundary's characteristics as at the time of the 2016 Census
mapping_c16_e13 <- allocate_electorate(centroids_ls = centroids_sa1_2016, electorates_sf = sF_13,
census_year = "2016", election_year = "2013")
# Estimate 2016 Census data for the 2013 electorates
imputed_data_2016 <- weighted_avg_census_sa1(mapping_df = mapping_2016, abs_df = abs2016_cd)