Jeremy Forbes. Author, maintainer.
Di Cook. Author.
Anthony Ebert. Author.
Heike Hofmann. Author.
Rob Hyndman. Author.
Thomas Lumley. Author.
Ben Marwick. Author.
Carson Sievert. Author.
Mingzhu Sun. Author.
Dilini Talagala. Author.
Nicholas Tierney. Author.
Nathaniel Tomasetti. Author.
Earo Wang. Author.
Fang Zhou. Author.
Commonwealth of Australia AEC. Copyright holder.
Australian Bureau of Statistics ABS. Copyright holder.
Forbes J, Cook D, Ebert A, Hofmann H, Hyndman R, Lumley T, Marwick B, Sievert C, Sun M, Talagala D, Tierney N, Tomasetti N, Wang E, Zhou F (2023). eechidna: Exploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data Nationally for Australia.,
@Manual{, title = {eechidna: Exploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data Nationally for Australia}, author = {Jeremy Forbes and Di Cook and Anthony Ebert and Heike Hofmann and Rob Hyndman and Thomas Lumley and Ben Marwick and Carson Sievert and Mingzhu Sun and Dilini Talagala and Nicholas Tierney and Nathaniel Tomasetti and Earo Wang and Fang Zhou}, year = {2023}, note = {,}, }